Harmon Street is located in the working-class neighborhood of Inglenook, just outside Birmingham, AL. It was my father’s childhood home and the kind of neighborhood where people walked to work each day alongside their co-workers. The kind of neighborhood where a kid could buy candy and fishing lures on his family’s tab because the owner of the general store lived down the street and went to the same church.
It was an era before big call centers and computer algorithms. You knew the mechanic, pharmacist, butcher, milkman, gas station attendant, and bus driver. Customer service was provided by someone who knew your name and that of your kids, answered the phone and put you right through to the person who could address your issue immediately.
Harmon Street is who we are, and it’s the spirit that drives us. Harmon Street Advisors continues to evolve, providing the technology and expertise to enable our clients to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex financial world. All delivered in a manner that reinforces the core values I learned during my childhood summers spent on Harmon Street…family, hard work, pride, integrity.
We look forward to serving you.
Jeff Andrews, President & CEO
- Family
- Pride
- Hard work
- Integrity

Achieving results for our clients comes down to helping them make great decisions in all aspects of their financial affairs. Harmon Street Advisors wants to be there for every major financial decision our clients may make, from exercising employer stock options, to whether to buy or lease a new car.
At Harmon Street, we advise the individual, not their bank accounts. For that reason, we define financial success uniquely for each client. When you have confidence about your finances, you can’t put a price on it.
Financial services are not built solely to increase wealth. By supporting each of our clients through their biggest financial decisions, we put fulfillment in reach.
Jeff Andrews, CFP®️, AIF®️
I started as a Financial Advisor nearly a month to the day after September 11, 2001. That was a trying time for financial markets and the US economy. My first 18 months were spent guiding clients through the aftermath of the dot-com bust, a recession, and the buildup to the second Iraq War. That was a formative time for me and I learned a lot about disciplined asset management and risk management. It made me a more conservative investor. Most importantly, it taught me how crucial it is to have a plan.
One of my favorite quotes for investing comes from none other than Mike Tyson: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Tyson obviously wasn’t talking about investing when he said this, but the principle is universal. When times get tough, a well-conceived plan is crucial to helping you make good decisions—but it’s just as crucial to have a trusted professional to consult when quick decision making is needed.
I’ve been providing advice to individuals and companies for over 20 years. I’ve spoken with thousands of people who have shared countless stories to express their unique financial situations. I use this rich experience every day in helping people make good financial decisions. In 2012, I formed Harmon Street Advisors with the belief that customized financial advice should be available to all individuals and organizations regardless of size and net worth, and without having to be routed through a call center.
Away from the office, I enjoy water polo, camping, reading non-fiction, the first fourteen holes of golf, a good IPA, and spending time with my wife and two daughters

Sheila Broderick
Client Relations Manager
As Client Relations Manager, I oversee the day-to-management of client services. I have over 10 years of experience assisting clients.
One of the most enjoyable parts of the work we do is getting to help people pursue their passions. My biggest passion is definitely live theater. My parents were great fans of musicals and have made them a part of my life since I was a baby. Broadway is one of my favorite places and I once managed to see 8 shows during a 7-day trip!
Along with live theater, I am also a huge fan of film. Recently my interests have gravitated to Asian Cinema, specifically “wuxia films”, and the work of “Fifth Generation” Chinese filmmakers. “Hero”, “House of Flying Daggers”, and “Raise the Red Lantern” are prime examples of my favorite Fifth Generation filmmaker, Zhang Yimou.
My second biggest passion is making the client experience straightforward and stress-free. Whether it’s assisting with a complicated 401(k) rollover or processing Required Minimum Distributions, one of my key roles is make sure these transactions go smoothly. My favorite aspect of this position is helping clients understand and utilize all of our firm’s systems and resources.
For the record, I believe it is possible to like both Star Wars and Star Trek.
Dan Sherman, EA
Financial Advisor
My first experience was trading pogs and baseball cards. By junior high, I traded my Education bonds for an Oppenheimer Main Street Global fund and tracked it in the daily newspapers. I learned that you could earn money without working and thought that was amazing. While studying investment analysis at CSU Long Beach, where I earned a B.S. in Finance with an emphasis in Investment Analysis, I learned about Warren Buffet and became fascinated with his philosophy and style. After college, my Mom and I attended several of his annual meetings in Omaha, NB, which was an incredible experience.
Warren Buffet has many great quotes, but one always stands out: “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.” I’ve taken that to heart all these years. It’s so easy to get swept up in the latest investment craze, but eventually, the economy rolls back. If you don’t have a disciplined investment strategy to begin with, you’ll be the one swimming naked.
Obviously, my knowledge and experience has increased immensely since junior high, but I still stick to those Buffet philosophies. Invest in common-sense companies with great products and outstanding management. In 2020, I followed my passion, enrolling in the UCI Division of Continuing Education Personal Financial Planning course, and I am a Candidate CFP® certification. My coursework has taught me that helping people meet their financial goals as well as understanding their financial needs and risk tolerance are far more important than just trying to gain the best returns.
Outside of my passion for financial planning, I greatly appreciate technology — how it works and how it affects our world and economy. In addition, I love theater, hiking, backpacking, biking, and watching TV. I am the proud father of a young baby and happily married. You’ll find I can still recite most of my high school theater productions. I spent my college summers living in Alaska and Yellowstone National Park. When I graduated from CSULB, I took the summer to backpack through China. If you go to the Schezchuan region, just remember the hot pot really is hot!

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification mark CFP® in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.